I started raising butterflies while living in Hawaii in 2015. They have become a huge part of my growth in my spiritual journey.  They are part of my identity.

I started raising butterflies while living in Hawaii in 2015. They have become a huge part of my spiritual growth. They have become part of my identity.

This picture was taken by a fellow tarot reader. By this point in my journey, I had gained a lot of confidence in trusting myself and felt comfortable to read out in public.

My Spiritual Journey:

The first reading I received left an impression on me forever. I was 13. I remember watching in pure awe as the reader was shuffling her cards, seeing her lay them on the table, and hearing her bring the card’s story to life with her interpretations. 

Fast forward to when I was 30, I moved to Hawaii with my son and my husband who was with the Navy.  When we got to Hawaii, I knew that I would experience something magical. After a year of getting settled in Hawaii, I discovered a metaphysical shop and bought my first tarot deck, and decided to self-teach. This was the beginning of my spiritual journey. Meanwhile, the Navy informed us that our stay in Hawaii was to be extended for two more years. I remember telling the universe “I know you’re keeping me here because something big is going to happen.” 

In September 2017, I signed up for a reading at an event with a clairvoyant. At the end of the reading, she said “My guides are telling me that I need to be your mentor, I can help you open up your gifts.” What was my reaction you ask? I freaked out. I laughed and quickly ran away from her booth. Two months after meeting the clairvoyant, I was awakened by severe ear pain and loud ringing in my right ear. I had never in my life had an ear infection. As soon as the doctor looked in my ear, he said that it was one of the worst ear infections he had ever seen.  How did this happen? Why did it happen? I knew this was a punishment for running away from the clairvoyant - and running away from my gifts. It was a humbling experience. That was my spiritual awakening moment. 

I waited until February 2018 to reach out to the clairvoyant. She remembered me and I said, “I am ready now, but I’m moving back to California. Do we have enough time?” she replied, “Of course we do.” I spent the next 10 weeks going to her home for lessons. The biggest thing she taught me was how to learn to listen to my guides and to fully trust my intuition no matter how crazy it looks or sounds. 

I then began to develop my own reading style. I started self-teaching tarot, I learned how to channel with my mentor and from there I combined both styles of divination. In 2019, I started to dive into understanding astrology. I slowly started to incorporate astrology into my reading style. I realized that my channeling was going further in-depth into the querent’s energy when I would focus on their sun, moon, and rising sign. 

Fully settled in California, I met my amazing astrology mentor who told me that there is a term for my gifts which is Psychic Astrology. She said that I use the symbols in astrology to tap into the querent’s energy and activate my psychic gifts that way. When the querent gives me their birth info, it’s like giving me a key to their world. My astrology mentor grounded me and taught me the foundation of astrology and the rest of the information I provide my clients are purely channeled.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey. I hope to connect with you soon to support you by deepening your understanding of your earthly life, and to be of support for you on your spiritual path.